Drag shield part numbers and specifications. Some models do not offer a
drag shield attachment and will not work properly with our stencils.
Eastwood - .430" drag shields
Versacut 40 & 60 machines
Hobart - .380" drag shields
#770798 - 40i w/xt40 torch
#770799 - 27i w/xt30 torch
Hypertherm - .380" drag shields
#420116 - pm30xp
#220674 - pm45
#120828 - pm600
Hypertherm - .430" drag shields
#220818 - pm45xp
#220818 - pm65/85/105
#120929 - pmx 1000/1250/1650/rt60/rt80
Hypertherm - .500" drag shields use .500" to .580" offset rings
#420399 - pm30air
#120601 - max 40-43/pmx800-900
Lincoln - .430" drag shields
#KP2843-3 - lc40 torch/ Tomahawk 625
#KP2844-11 - lc65
Miller - .380" drag shields
#204323 - 625 w/ ICE 40 torch
Miller - .430" drag shields
#251960 - 375/625 w/ xt40 torch (use this one for xt30 as well)
#249930 - 375/625 w/ xt30 torch (has short shoulder, use #251960)
#256027 - 875 w/ xt60 torch
#212730 - ICE 60/80/100 torch
Miller - .500" drag shields - use .500" to .580" offset rings
#192053 - ICE 50/55
#196929 - 125c torch
Miller - .580" drag shields
#225616 - 375 extreme w/ ice 25/27 torch
Thermal Dynamics / Victor - .38o" drag shields
Cutmaster 38, 42 w/ SL 40 torch - use .312" to .380" offset rings
Thermal Dynamics / Victor - .580" drag shields
SL 60/100 torch - cutmaster 52, 82, 102, & 152
#9-8237 - threaded shield cup
#9-8244 - 40 amp drag shield
#9-8235 - 50-60 amp drag shield
#9-8236 - 70-100 amp drag shield